Monday, April 27, 2020

Breast Feeding Hacks

Precious times.Those early days can feel quite taxing but it ending also worries me.I am trying to get to twelve months despite my babies not being big fans.
Breastfeeding, one of the things each first time mum thinks will come easily and naturally.For some lucky women it comes very easy and they constantly are leaking milk.Some like me have to work very hard for it and others do not have any breast milk at all.

I have been breastfeeding for close to nine months now.In this time I have learnt a few things through research and experience.If you are struggling in breastfeeding and are looking for tips below are things that have worked for me.

Start early.

Those early days after you give birth are the window of opportunity in breastfeeding.It is at this time that one is able to build their supply to a level that they produce enough milk or even more milk than their babies need.If you are able to, breast-feed or pump within the first hour after you give birth.This is major key because the first few times one breast-feeds or pumps milk they produce colostrum.Colostrum helps babies build their immunity,creates a protective coating on your babies new stomach and is basically the highest quality liquid gold.

Feed or express often

Breast-milk production is demand based.The more there is demand for milk the more milk is produced.To ensure you are making enough,feed or express every two to three hours.Each feeding session should last for between 20 to 30 minutes or even more.If breastfeeding ensure that the baby empties the breast each time.If the baby does not do it express milk after each session.This has to be the thing I struggle the most to do.Hard but the payoff is worth it.

Hydrate and eat good nutritious food
Everytime I express milk,I label the storage bag with what I ate.Then when I feed it to the boys I tell them; `guess what mummy you are eating such and such kind of food`.I also do this to keep myself accountable and to ensure I am eating good food for the babies.

When breastfeeding eat for one and drink for two.

Fluids are what will make milk.Drink plenty of water,soup,porridge,milo,cocoa and anything warm fluid you like.Aim to drink atleast three litres of fluids.Also eat nutritious food,this way you ensure in addition to producing a lot of milk,the milk is also top quality.

There are foods known as galactagogues.These foods have the potential to increase milk supply.I have tried tonnes of them with little success 😂😂.Oats have worked for me,so I am always eating oatmeal porridge on most days.

Everytime you eat or drink something be sure to add an ingredient that boosts milk supply.
Lactation supplements

Breastfeeding needs support let no one lie to you.I found that lactation goodies from Lactarcare Kenya have worked wonders for me.They make cookies,muffins and teas.Good thing about them is they custom make everything.If you want sugar free everything they do it.If you are like me and hyper-acidity from pregnancy has never gone they make products that do not cause heartburns.I cannot say enough good things about Lactacare.If you are struggling with supply contact them and you will surprise yourself with how much milk you can make.In addition to selling lactation supplements they also offer advice which I find invaluable especially as a first time mum.

Have breastfeeding goals

            I often go on google and search breast milk images to see how over-achieving breast-feeders are doing
My babies spent time at the newborn unit because they came too early.Having babies in the newborn unit teaches you things like how mls and grams are so very important.

Each morning you see the pediatrician and he informs you of the progress your babies have made.He also informs you how much milk your babies are taking each feed.This gives you an estimate of how much milk is needed per day.This kept me expressing a lot of times to ensure that I met daily targets of milk needed.Most days and especially after the first weeks I could not meet demand because making almost 1000mls of milk is not easy but I aimed to get 80% of the babies feed.

Having daily milk production targets made me express more,drink loads of milo and porridge and research on milk production.Goals push you and this is why it is important to have them while breastfeeding.

Relax and let your body do the work

You will surprised to know that the mothers who exclusively breastfeed are mostly the rural mothers.Those with no access to research and lactation supplements.Do you know why? those mothers are relaxed,their main focus is the baby.They are not thinking of snap-back,what their maternity cover is doing or having nanny drama.

Breastfeeding is a natural body process.Trust your body it knows what to do but remember to eat,hydrate and feed/express often.

Attend a lactation/breastfeeding class 

To be informed is to be forewarned.

If you can attend lactation class run and do it.Breastfeeding comes with some challenges like: latching is not a given,how to hold a baby during breastfeeding does not come naturally,even how you hold the boobies during feeding is taught.I am lucky that I got someone to teach me these things for free.A lot of maternity nurses teach things related to breastfeeding after you give birth be sure to ask them if you need support.

Mums reading this what worked best for you during your breastfeeding journey??