Monday, May 27, 2013

My life in 5 lines

So I was reading this blog Things I did project-your life in five lines and me being me I figured I should do my own five lines.

1) I have travelled in most of North East Kenya thanks to the kind of job I have.

2) I've lived in the village(very remote village) for most part of my life.Walked to the market on Tuesdays and Thursdays,swam in the river and had a lot of village fun.

3) I'm the true patriot at heart and have watched so many speeches during public holidays and deep within my heart I believe we will achieve Vision 2030.

4) I have pulled so many all nighters and especially just before exams.

5) I am a gold award holder in the presidents awards scheme and yes this involved 2 expeditions in Taita and Machakos.

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